Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tell me how you relax contest!!

I think we all have had days where we just wanted to get away from people, pets, phones, bills, responsibility and just the everyday rut of life. Well, I am soooo ready. I would love to just get away for a few days for some peace and quiet. Sometimes life gets so hectic you forget to just breathe. So, what I would like for you to do is tell me how you like to relax and unwind from the business of life! Is there a special place you like to go to get away, an activity you do to help you relax, or what? Post your comments here and I will randomly pick one name on April 4th to win a little gift package from me. :)


Anonymous said...

What???!!! Does nobody relax???
I relax by taking a nice hot bath, putting on my big fluffy robe, turning the tv down (dont like it off completely), fixing me a big ol cup of coffee, and just either reading a great book or flipping through old Country Samplers, or C& love to just sit back and do nothing.

Leslie said...

I don't have to leave home to relax! I LOVE my home. I like to chill out here, even if the kids and hubby are home, and dig into some project. I really enjoy creating something new (well, as long as it's not something that's not going as planned! LOL) and seeing the end result. I also love a little time on the internet checking out other Prim lovers homes and crafts and goodies. That's all it takes for me. (Definitely not a bubble bath. I can't relax sitting in a tub...I think of all the things I should be doing! LOL)

CraftyeLadyeCreations said...

If I can't get away to the forrest for quiet contemplation. I escape to my room with a great book and some magazines. I just sit and look through the mags and get inspiration for new doll projects. Sarah your blog is great, you are doing a wonderful job.