Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I am so excited! My husband and I were awarded an all expenses paid trip to Los Cabos, Mexico through his employment with John Deere. We leave the airport next Friday morning (Feb. 6) and return Wednesday night (Feb. 11). They have everything ready and planned for us. On Saturday we will get to swim with the dolphins. On Monday, I get to have a day at the spa while my husband gets to go deep sea fishing. We also have a dinner cruise one evening with entertainment. The hotel we will be staying at has 5 different pools and 3 restaurants as well as their own spa. I have never been out of the country before and this will be my first time on an airplane. I am really nervous, but also really excited. I will be sure and post some pictures when I return! WHOO HOO!!!!!!! Click on the Title above to experience Los Cabos!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

WOW! My first Blog Award!!

Thanks Treann, for my first Blog Award!! This is great! :)

Now, I am supposed to list 5 things I am addicted to......


2) Shopping

3) Making my Raggedy Dolls

4) Primitives

5) Surfing the Web

I nominate the following people for this fabulous blog award:
Mandie from Life in the Craft Lane Blog,
Carmen from Shweet Doodlings Blog,
Cindy from Homespun from the Heart Blog