Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring Time~~Yeah!

I am so happy that Spring is finally here!! No more cold snowy days! Everything about Spring is new and fresh! Fresh air, flowers starting to bloom, birds singing and butterflies fluttering, grass growing in beautiful shades of green and kids laughing and playing. What a wonderful feeling! I can't wait to start planting my flowers in my flower garden and watching them flourish! The fragrant smell and colorful beauty of all the different flowers just put a smile on your face! Going for a stroll around the neighborhood and taking in all the wonders of nature's beauty is a wonderful way to just stop and Thank God for such a beautiful season! We are supposed to have 60 degree weather this week here in PA! YEAH! I am so excited to be able to get out and breathe in the nice Spring air and take my puppies for a walk. They love going for walks. :) They get so excited when we say "Wanna go for a walk"! They know what that means! It is so cute! Last summer we took them to a nearby park where they have a place just for dogs to run and play without their leash! It was so much fun to watch them! They were so happy that day--and worn out! LOL They ran and ran and ran as fast as their little legs could go! By the time we got them to the car, they just collapsed on the floor and panted. :) Needless to say they slept well that night! I can't wait to take them back again now that the weather is better!

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