Friday, March 14, 2008

You Know You Are a Craft-A-Holic - When? by Diane Palmer

1) If it doesn't move, then you paint it!
2) Your kids bring flower covered scrapbooks instead of binders to school.
3) You wear a glue gun holster... you just never know when something will need hot glue.
4) You house is full of scrap fabrics, papers, threads, wool, beads, broken vases, old wooden boxes, glue gun sticks.... these are not scraps to you, these are potential craft projects.
5) Your side of the table, is piled high with craft ideas, pictures and articles, and half done crafts.
6) No one wants to get your name at Christmas, because they just know they are going to get one of your latest "crafts" for a present.
7) You have a craft supplier on speed dial.
8) You pick your kids up from school, with paint in your hair, on your face, and you wear your painting shirt like its a new fashion statement..
9) You have been called the stencil queen...
10) You will never be fingerprinted, because you have burned your finger tips too many times with the glue gun.
If this is you... then maybe it is time to get serious about your crafts and turning them into money. You probably have enough crafts around your house, that you can open a online store right away! Get some great pictures, I am sure your friends and family will be so excited that you are going to sell your crafts as a business, that they will help you get organized.
What better business to start, then one you are already passionate about?... Rather than unloading them all on your friends and family for every holiday there is on the calendar, try going worldwide, which is what will happen on the internet. You will empty your house and line your pockets!... then you can buy more craft supplies! open a online store and sell your crafts even while you sleep!.. Article and website by Diane Palmer, who has over 15 years in the crafts business.
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